Page 44 - shehuizeren2010
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体系组织架构图 科技发展委员会
Organisation Chart of the Technological Innovation System
Technology Development Committee
专家委员 科 协
Expert Committee Science Association
科 技 部
Technology Department
总部技术中心 子企业技术中心 重点工程研究组
Technical Centre at Headquarters Technical Centre at Branch Office Major Projects Research Taskforce
Promoting Business Development The Company’s technological innovation and construction projects
are closely integrated by directly applying technology research findings
与工程项目紧密结合,实践 to projects, realising the principle of “Technological Advancement
“科研进项目,项目促科研”的理念,将科研成果直接应 for Projects, Projects to Enhance Technological Advancement”.
Our core housing construction techniques are enhanced through
technological innovation (including the ability to implement high-end
technical solutions for projects, ability to enhance design, and ability
等),力求达到国内领先水平;确立“技术创效”和“技 to adjust systems) to attain the highest standards in the country. The
术为经营服务”的技术发展理念,提升技术管理水平,提 technological development themes “Technology for Effectiveness”
and “Technology for Service Operation” were established, to elevate
technological management standards and enhance the contribution
that technological advancement makes to the Company’s operations.
场、大连郁景广场、长沙机场等多项重大工程的投标过程 At the project tendering stage: Apply the technological innovations
中,提高工程中标率。 into the tendering process for multiple major projects, such as Jinan
Wanda Square, Dalian Yujing Square and Changsha airport, to increase
the proportion of tenders we win.
At the project implementation stage: technological innovations
全和工期的前提下,实现施工成本有效降低。例如在重庆 provide practical technical support to projects, offering solutions to
粉房湾长江大桥工程中对大桥大件吊装和高塔横梁模架的 optimise numerous major constructions. Construction costs were
significantly trimmed, with quality, safety and on-time work schedules
guaranteed. For instance, solutions that optimised the lifting of massive
components and the high-rise tower and crossbeam frame of the
Chongqing Fenfangwan Yangtze River Bridge saved 8 million RMB.
Promoting Industry Development
The Company has always attained advanced standards in China’s
construction field. We focus on the healthy and sustainable development
of the industry, proactively contributing to the establishment of both
司着眼于行业持续健康发展,主动承担和参与国家标准及 state and industry standards, exploring innovative technologies and
行业标准的制定,进行行业新技术、新工法的开发,推动 new approaches, and promoting new industrial techniques and the
新工艺、技术在行业的应用,为行业发展做出应有贡献。 application of technology in the industry.
The Company has pioneered research into green construction.
Together with the national, regional and industry associations,
家、地方和行业协会的绿色建筑课题,引领行业绿色发 the Company is concerned with topics in this field, and leads the
展。2010年,编制完成国家标准《建筑工程绿色施工评 development of a greener industry. In 2010, the company formulated
价标准》,获得国家标准《建筑工程绿色施工规范》主编 the Green Construction Implementation Assessment Standards
and was the chief editor of the Green Construction Implementation
Regulations , both of which became national benchmarks. The
设计标准》和中国房地产研究会《低碳住宅技术体系框架 Company was also involved in formulating the Chongqing Green
及减排指标》;编制《绿色住区建筑技术标准——华东 Construction Assessment Standards, the Green Construction Design
篇》,提倡采用适合区域特点、低成本、高效能的绿色建 Standards , as well as the Low Carbon Residential Technology
System Framework and Low Emissions Benchmark for the China
Real Estate Research Association. In addition, the Green Residential
境友好性。 Construction Technology Standards – Eastern China was formulated
中国建筑在行业新技术、新工法方面取得新进展。 where there was a proposal to use low-cost and highly efficient
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited