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关键绩效表                                                                                                                        专家点评
                     Key Performance Form                                                                                                         Expert Comments

                         类别                                                                                                                       中国建筑业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛
                        Category                               指标 Index                                  2012                                     WuTao, Vice President of China Construction Industry Association
                                  营业收入(亿元人民币)Operational Revenue (100  million RMB)                  5,715
                                  利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross Profit (100 million RMB)                          301.6
                                  利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross Revenue (100 million RMB)                         522.2
                                  新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts (100 million RMB)      10,573
                                  年度施工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m )       60,760                                           
在本报告中完整披露了 2012 年履行社会责任的具体实践,展现了公司积
                         经济       年度新开工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m )  18,528                                       极与各利益相关方构建和谐关系,与其实现共生共存,共赢共荣,共同发展的努力和实力。
                        Economy   年度竣工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m )          8,134                                            报告显示,“中国建筑”将自身可持续发展与政府、股东、员工、客户、供应商、分包商、环境和社区
                                  年度施工图设计面积(万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m )     11,101
                                  地产年度入伙面积(万平方米)Annual Real Estate Delivered Area (10,000 m )        1,562
                                  期末土地储备(万平方米)Term-end Land Reserve (10,000 m )                      6,717
                                  归属上市公司净利润(亿元人民币)Net Profit of Listed Subsidiaries (100 million RMB)  157.4                                      式培训,提升劳务队伍素质。此外,公司还指导监督劳务分包企业为农民工提供社会保障,改善农民工
                                  可供股东分配利润(亿元人民币)Profit Distributed for Shareholders(100 million RMB)  36.9                                       工作生活条件,保障务工人员权益。“中国建筑”的这些做法值得肯定。
                                  环保总投入(万元)Gross Investment for Environmental Protection (10,000 RMB)  2,565
                                  新建项目环评通过率(%)Environmental Management Certification Pass Rate of New Project (%)  100
                                  环保培训人次 Person-time of Environmental Training                       >2,000
                                  能源消耗总量(万吨标煤)Total Energy Consumption (10,000 tons of standard coal)  792                                        希望公司再接再厉,为规范建筑市场和提高工程质量安全工作水平,促进建筑业健康持续发展贡献更
                         环境       万元增加值能耗(吨标煤)Energy Consumption Per Added Value of RMB 10,000 (tons   1.6                                        大力量!
                      Environment  of standard coal)
                                  CO2 排放量(吨)CO2 Emissions (ton)                                      14,566
                                                                                                                                                      In this report, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited has fully disclosed its concrete social
                                  绿色采购比例(%)Green Procurement Ratio (%)                               100
                                                                                                                                                  responsibility practices in 2012, and reflected its efforts and strength to actively establish harmonious relations with all
                                  SO2 排放量(吨)SO2 Emissions (ton)                                      47                                           stakeholders, and to achieve coexistence, win-win outcomes, mutual prosperity and common development with them.
                                  重大违规事件发生次数 Environmental Violation Frequency                       0                                                It is shown in the Report that the Company has combined its own development with the interests of stakeholders
                                  合同签订率(%)Contract Signing Rate (%)                                  100                                          such as governments, shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, environment and communities,
                                  员工流失率(%)Staff Turnover Rate (%)                                    4.7                                          and strived to create and realize more value for them while achieving its own development. In particular, the Company
                                                                                                                                                  focuses on and strengthens labor service management, develops policies and measures to regulate the employment,
                                  残疾人雇佣率(%)Disabled Employment Rate(%)                               1.5
                                                                                                                                                  establishes the site school, and organizes various trainings to improve the quality of workforce. Besides, the Company
                                  女性管理者比例(%)Female Manager Ratio (%)                                 23.7                                         guides and supervises subcontractors to provide social security for migrant workers, improve their living and working
                                  社会保障覆盖率(%)Social Security Coverage Rate (%)                        100                                          conditions, and protect their rights and interests. All these practices are worthy of recognition.
                                  带薪休假制度覆盖率(%)Coverage Rate of Holiday-Paid System (%)               100                                              Construction worker is one of key factors restricting the sustainable development of the construction industry,
                                  员工入会率(%)Coverage Rate of Employees Participating in Labor Union (%)  97                                         and also one of aspects reflecting the corporate social responsibility implementation. From the governments to the
                                                                                                                                                  Association, they are all concerned about the labor service management in the industry. The Company has made
                                  员工培训投入(亿元)Gross Investment for Employee Training (100 million RMB)  1.4
                         社会                                                                                                                       continuous exploration and provided a lot of good experience. I hope the Company make persistent efforts and make
                        Society   员工培训人次 Person-time of Employee Training                            238,878                                      greater contribution to regulate building markets, improve project quality and safety, and promote the healthy and
                                  合同履约率(%)Fulfilment Rate of All Contract (%)                        100                                          sustained development of the industry.
                                  分包商培训投入(万元)Training Investment for Subcontractors (10,000 RMB)     10,430
                                  分包商培训人次(万人次)Person-time of Subcontractors Participating in Training (10,000 person-times)  149
                                  国家专利授权 ( 项 )National Patent Licenses (item)                        1,139
                                  亿元产值死亡率 Mortality Value Per Output Value of RMB 100 Million        0.003
                                  对外捐赠金额(万元)Donation Amount in the Overseas (10,000 RMB)             2,859
                                  志愿者活动次数 Times of Volunteering                                      >3,000
                                  累计志愿服务时间(万小时)Accumulated Time for Volunteer Services (10,000 hours)  >10

         102  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                                                                                                                               拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  103
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