Page 31 - shehuizeren2012
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优化公司治理  优化公司治理
 Optimizing Corporate   Optimizing Corporate
 Governance  Governance

 坚持诚信经营  坚持诚信经营
 Upholding Honest Operations   Upholding Honest Operations

 增强发展能力  增强发展能力
 Enhancing Development   Enhancing Development
 Capacity  Capacity
 效能监察   Efficiency Supervision  风险管理                               Risk Management

 我们将效能监察作为促进企业管理提升、核心业  Regularly supervising our efficiency is an important   我们加大风险管控工作,将财务损失、内部控制、  We have intensified our risk management and control
 tool that helps us promote improvements to corporate              efforts by incorporating financial losses, internal controls,
 务管理标准化的重要工具,推进效能监察工作的“三创”  management and standardize our core business management   人员安全、企业声誉及持续发展能力等重大事项纳入  personnel security, corporate reputation, sustainable
 活动:创建效能监察工作体系、创新效能监察工作方法、  model. We have prioritized efficiency monitoring activities,   风险评估范围,设立风险评估标准,收集和确定重大  development capability and other major items into the risk
 including the establishing of a working system for efficiency     evaluation system. This has resulted in the development of
 创优评奖,不断提升效能监察工作的制度化、规范化  supervision, the innovation of working methods and A-Good   风险,统计分析风险发生的可能性以及发生后对目标  prevention and emergency measures such as a risk evaluation
 和专业化水平。  Award,  so  as  to  systematically  improve  our  efficiency   的影响程度,制定防范和应急措施。我们拟定《资本市  standard, collecting and defining information on major or
 monitoring, planning and professional conduct.                    significant risks, and providing statistical analysis on all
                                                                   potential risks and their possible impact on our short- and
                     引入分级预警和应急响应机制,进一步完善突发事件                       long-term objectives. We have also formulated the Emergency
                                                                   Plan for Capital Markets, identified relevant emergencies
                                                                   in capital market, and introduced a level-to-level early
                                                                   warning and emergency response mechanism to improve our
 效能监察工作体系  效能监察工作方法  创优评奖                                          emergency management system.
 Working System for Efficiency   Working Methods for Efficiency   A-Good Award
 Supervision  Supervision

 结合 ISO 9000 质量管理体系,运用风   充分性监察,看“有没有”健全 的制度规定  两年举行一次效能监察成果金奖项目评比               项目管理风险
 险管理、内部控制等现代企业管理理论  适宜性监察,看制度规定得“好不好”  给予金奖税后 25 万元奖励                      国际化及海外运营风险
 与技术                                                                    Project management risks
 符合性监察,看业务行为过程是否按照  组织效能监察高级评审员考试,确立高
 覆盖勘察设计、施工、地产、装饰、园林  制度执行  级评审员资格                      Risks of internationalization and overseas operation
 有效性监察,看业务执行结果是否实现             应收账款风险
 成立效能监察学会  Appraise a golden-prize project every two   Risk of accounts receivable
 绩效考核目标  years to ensure it meets our efficiency                                         投资风险
 Combine modern enterprise management   Monitor adequacy to check if systems and   supervision performance targets  Investment risks
 theory and technology like the ISO9000   regulations are adequate or not  Award a bonus of RMB 250,000 (after tax)
 qualit y  management  system,  risk   to gold prize winner
 management and internal controls  Monitor suitability to check if systems and   Organize a senior assessor examination   运营类风险
 Cover core businesses such as surveying   regulations are suitable or not  for efficiency supervision and establish a   宏观经济风险  Operational risks  税务风险
 and design, construction, real estate,   Monitor compliance to check if business   senior assessor position  Macroeconomic risks  Taxation risks
 decorations and gardening, among others  activities are done according to relevant rules
 Establish an efficiency supervision society  Monitor effectiveness to check if business
 results meet the objectives of performance
                                                战略类风险                  财务类风险
                                               Strategic risks        Financial risks

 2012 年,我们实施效能监察立项 466 项,提出效  In 2012, we established 466 items, received 6,598
 efficiency monitoring suggestions, and made 165 supervisory
 能监察建议 6,598 项,监察决定 165 项,形成监察报
 decisions that resulted in 423 supervision reports, 336
 告 423 份,完善改进制度 336 项,新建制度 131 项,  improved systems and established 131 new rules and
 直接挽回经济损失 718.9 万元,避免经济损失 4,062.5  regulations. As a result, RMB 7.189 million of direct economic
 losses were recovered and RMB 40.625 million in economic
 万元,间接创造经济效益 4,530 万元。  losses were avoided for an indirect financial gain of RMB 45.30
 million.               我们严肃投资纪律,加强所属企业的投资管理,                         We abide by investment rules, strengthen corporate
                     严格处理违规企业,全力规避投资风险。                            investment management in the system and deal with illegal
                                                                   enterprises strictly, which help us evade investment risks fully.

                       案例:严肃处理违规投资事件                               Case Study: Strictly Deal with Regulation-violating
                                                                   Investment Event
                          中建某下属公司在投资某桥梁 BT 项目时,未严
                                                                      One subordinate company of China Construction did not
                       格按照股份公司投资管理规定履行有关审批程序。                      abide by relevant procedures for examination and approval of
                       公司监督委员会对此除给予通报批评外,按照规定                      CSCEC’s Regulations on Investment Management seriously
                                                                   when investing in a BT project for a bridge. In addition to a
                       暂停其一年新项目拓展投资权,并在业绩考核中给                      notice of criticism, the Supervision Committee  suspended its

 效能监察图板  公司承办中央企业效能监察工作推进会  予扣分处理,督促其及时整改。                         investment right on new project development in a year, made
 Efficiency Supervision Bulletin  The Company Organized the Conference on Promoting Efficiency Supervision among Central Enterprises  deductions in the performance assessment in accordance
                                                                   with the provisions and urged it to make timely rectification.

 28  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  29
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