Page 32 - shehuizeren2010
P. 32
Development Strategy
2010年,中国建筑围绕“一最两跨”战略目标,以提 The strategic target of China Construction in 2010 was “Among
the most competitive international construction and real estate
groups. By 2015, aiming to enter the top fifth of the Top 500 Global
发展战略,为实现战略目标开辟科学途径,推动各项工作 Enterprises, and one of the world’s three strongest construction
再上新台阶。 and real estate groups” (One Most, Two Entries). With enhancing
quality as the main focus, China Construction made use of the
relevant government policies and seized market opportunities. The
Company held fast to the strategy of “Professionalised, regionalised,
standardised, informed and internationalised”, and opened up
scientific ways to realise strategic targets, so that various projects
could reach new heights.
国际化 标 准 化 Standardise
专业化 信息化 集团层面建立体系完整、统一受控的管理体系,实现
Professionalise 五化 Inform 提高管理效率、降低机构成本、塑造统一企业内涵的
We will promote the re-creation of procedures and the re-organisation of
systems in different areas of operational management, and establish
区域化 标准化 comprehensive, unified and controllable management systems in the group,
Regionalise Standardise to achieve the goals of increasing management efficiency, reducing costs,
and consolidating internal systems.
专 业 化 Professionalise 信 息 化 Inform
在施工领域内选定若干细分市场和下游产业,以内部 以适量的投入为原则,将信息技术与先进管理理念
整合和外部并购的方式,组织优势资源打造一批占领 相融合,以此提升企业生产方式、经营方式、业务
高端市场的专业公司,使之成为公司的效益支撑和品 流程、管理方式和组织方式,获取最佳效益。
牌支撑。 With “appropriate investment” as the principle, integrate information
We will select several specific markets and downstream industries within the technologies with advanced management concepts, to improve the modes of
scope of work, and through internal integration and mergers and production, operation, management and organisation, as well as the business
acquisitions, organise resources advantageously to create professional flow of the enterprise, to achieve the greatest benefits.
companies that target the high-end market, and will become pillars
supporting the Company’s profits and brand name.
区 域 化 Regionalise 国 际 化 Internationalise
在施工领域内选定重点经营区域,强化对重点区域资 顺应全球化趋势,在全球范围内配置资源,开拓市
源的配置强度,并保证这些资源在区域层面实现区域 场,学习先进经验,不断提升集团的国际化程度。
的效益最大化和可持续发展。 In line with the trend of globalisation, we will allocate resources in globalised
We will select major sectors within the scope of work, strengthen the areas, open up new markets, learn from advanced experiences, and
allocation of resources in these sectors, and ensure that the allocation of continuously increase the group’s level of globalisation.
resources is unified and has reasonable mobility, to lower operating costs
and maximise benefits and sustainable development.
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited