Page 34 - shehuizeren2010
P. 34
Lean Management
集中管理 Centralised management
China Construction upholds the management concept
of “Consider the future and think about the present, strive for
中国建筑秉持“虑远思近、精益入微,标准规范、 perfection and take care of the details, standardise the regulations
崇尚执行”的管理理念,明确公司总部“引领、监控、服 and advocate implementation”, and establishes the role of the
Company headquarters as serving the three functions of “Leading,
务”三大职能定位,强化战略、人事、投资三大管理能力 supervising and serving”. The Company also strengthens the
establishment of the three management abilities, covering
strategies, personnel and investment, and re-structures the
采购、劳务集中招标”为重点,建立标准业务流程,增强 organisation. With a focus on “Centralised management of capital,
centralised purchasing of materials required in large projects, and
集团管控。在大宗材料集中采购、劳务集中招标中,遵守 centralised requests for labour services”, the Company establishes
法人管项目原则,将采购权集中在法人层面,加强采购信 standardised business flows to strengthen control over the
group. Regarding centralised purchasing of materials required in
息化管理,规范采购流程。开发集团采购信息平台,实现 large projects and centralised requests for labour, the Company
complies with the principle of “Corporate project management”,
and centralises the purchasing of materials at the corporation
level, and regulates the purchasing procedures by strengthening
the information-based management of purchasing. A purchasing
项目管理 information platform for the group was also developed, in order
that purchasing information can be shared, and the qualities of
purchasing and information management can be enhanced.
重点监控,强化后续管理,防范项目履约过程的风险和不 Project management
良影响,对工程后续的资料移交、档案归档及客户回访进 China Construction conducts daily, integrated management of
authorised projects, and prevents avoidable risks and undesirable
effects in executing contracts by insisting on dynamic and focused
2010年,以《项目管理手册》施行为契机,组织 supervision, and strengthening follow-up management. The
Company also exercises dynamic control over information transfer
《项目管理手册》宣贯及培训,推进项目标准化管理,公 as a follow-up to a project, the filing of documents, and the return
司总部和所属各单位共有35,000多人次参加。新开工项目 visit conducted by the constructor.
In 2010, in order to implement the Project Management
按照《项目管理手册》实现全过程标准化动态管理。 Manual, China Construction organised promotion and training to
advance standardised management of projects. More than 35,000
people from the headquarters and different units of the Company
participated in these activities. All newly commenced projects
conducted standardised dynamic management of the entire
procedures, according to the Project Management Manual.
Compliance with Laws and
China Construction will comply with laws and regulations, as
中国建筑将遵守法律法规,遵守社会公德、商业道 well as social norms and business ethics, and will operate honestly
and accept supervision by the Government and the public as a
basic operating principle. In order to safeguard the sustainable
原则。公司强化全面风险管理和内部控制,深入开展效能 operation of the Company, risk management and internal control
will be consolidated, effective supervision will be developed,
corruption prevention will be strengthened, and punishment
律机制,为公司的持续经营提供坚实保障。 mechanisms, contract execution mechanisms and self-discipline
mechanisms will be perfected.
风险管理 Risk management
To effectively enhance our ability to avoid major risks,
中国建筑以有效提升重大风险防范能力为导向,依 China Construction conducts risk identification assessments and
supervises and improves risk management based on the existing
management system, and expands the comprehensive risk
险管理监督与改进,将全面风险管理体系从总部扩大到各 management system to cover all subsidiary enterprises in addition
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited