Page 52 - shehuizeren2010
P. 52
Quality Services
建筑领域 Construction sector
合同履约是企业诚信经营、优质服务的主要表现。 Contract compliance is the major concern of corporate integrity
and quality services. China Construction optimises resource allocation,
effectively monitors project progress, and enhances the capability
约能力。2010年,未发生建筑合同履约投诉情况。 for reasonable contract compliance. In 2010, no complaints were
中国建筑保护客户权益,加强客户商业秘密的管 received regarding construction contract compliance.
China Construction continuously protects customer interests;
strengthens management of confidential business information;
户允许,不向第三方透露信息。全年未发生因违反相关服 keeps strictly confidential all customer information, contract
务法规受到制裁的事件,未接到侵犯客户隐私、遗失资料 terms and design proposals; and will not disclose information to
third parties without the customer’s permission. Throughout 2010,
no violations of related laws and regulations were found, and no
complaints were received regarding violation of customer privacy
and information loss.
沟通渠道 Enhance communication channels, take the initiative to understand
Communication channels customers’ requirements for construction technology and material changes,
施工过程 positively absorb customers’ opinions
During construction
信息披露 真实、公正、完整的向客户披露建造过程信息
Disclosure of information Disclose construction information to customers in a true, fair and integral way
3 months after completion Re-visit customers, to understand their views, and suggestions, and to handle
customers’ queries regarding quality
工程交付后 工程保修期内 安全寿命,受理客户发现的问题
After construction Within warranty period Visit customers to understand the functions and safety life of waterproof and
construction installation equipment, and handle customers’ problems
工程保修期外 定维修方案
After warranty period Re-visit customers upon their request for construction maintenance services,
and formulate maintenance plan together with customers
地产领域 Real estate sector
中国建筑从客户体验出发,加强客户关系管理,秉 Focusing on the customer experience, China Construction
continuously strengthens our customer relationship management
and adheres to the concept of “Confidence, Service, Culture (CSC)”.
务过程中体现出坚持以人为本,客户至上的原则,为客户 Our customer service reflects our adherence the customer-oriented
提供专业、无忧、贴心的服务。 principle, through providing professional, worry-free and caring
services to our customers.
The China Overseas Property brand is worth 15.585 billion
产商业品牌价值之冠。 RMB, and has been highest among all mainland China real estate
国家工商行政管理总局商标局在不动产管理、商 businesses for six years.
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce recognised
品房销售服务上认定“中海地产”商标为“中国驰名商 the “China Overseas Property” trademark as “China’s Famous Brand”
标”。 in real estate management and sales services.
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited