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            安心购房                                               Purchase assurance                                     About Us
                 中国建筑主动向客户披露房产项目信息。依据合同                            China Construction always takes the initiative to disclose   可持续经营
                                                               information on housing projects to customers. Also, we select
                                                               advertising agencies, advertising media and souvenir companies,
            位,审查广告文字内容、核实图片。采用网站、销售现                           review advertisement content and verify photos in accordance
            场、电话、公告栏等形式,向客户公披露项目及周边有利                          with contract conditions and assessment provisions. Favourable
                                                               and unfavourable factors relating to a project or its surrounding    Sustainable Operation
                                                               environment are disclosed on websites, at points of sale, by telephone,
                 中国建筑保障客户购房权益。制定合同内容评审制                        and on notice boards. A 100% advertising compliance rate was achieved.
            度,保障合同内容的平等性;落实《客户监督机制》、                               China Construction protects the interests of customers   
                                                               purchasing real estate. We have established a contract evaluation
                                                               system, to guarantee fairness of contract content, and implemented
            能力与效率。                                             various management systems including the Customer Monitoring
                                                               System  and Procedures for Handling Complaints – to enhance the
                                                               ability and efficiency of our customer service staff.   Technological Innovation
                 2010年10月15日,中建地产扬州运河壹号公馆项目                    Case study: Notary for real estate purchase
            邀请公证处为现场购房做全过程的公证。这使项目在开                               On 15 October 2010, CSC Land’s residential project, River 1,
                                                               Yangzhou, invited the notary office to be a witness for the whole
                                                               purchase process, so that different processes of the project, such
            息的透明度,使客户安心购房。                                     as initial offering, drawing lots, result announcement and property   质
                                                               selection were monitored. In this way, transparency of real estate
                                                               purchase information is enhanced, and customers can have    Quality
                                                               confidence in purchasing property.
            建设等各项业务资源,延长服务价值链,组建物业服务机                          Comfortable residences
            构,为客户提供增值服务。                                           China Construction comprises various business resources,
                                                               including housing architecture, real estate investment and
                                                               infrastructure development; extends the service value chain; and   安
            务宗旨,融合现代物业服务理念,打造物业精品服务,                           has established a property service group, to provide value-added     全
            提升客户使用的舒适度和物业附加值。客户满意率达到                           services to customers.                                 Safety
                                                                   China Construction follows the service principle, “Striving
                                                               to provide quality services to enhance our quality of life”, to
                 公司维护共用部位和相关场地的清洁卫生,养护公                        integrate the modern concept of property services, provide high-
                                                               quality property services, enhance user comfort and add value to
                                                               properties. The customer satisfaction rate was 98.9%, and 100% of
            区建设意识,鼓励客户参与社区管理,推进社区委员会规                          customer complaints were handled in a timely manner.  环
            范化管理进程,协助客户推动社区房屋建筑、公用设施、                              The company keeps a clean and hygienic environment,     境
                                                               maintains green public space, manages car parking, and ensures
                                                               community security in common areas and related areas. Also,    Environment
                                                               we raise customer awareness to enhance community facilities,
            案例:中建地产建立三级客户服务体系                                  encourage customers to participate in community management,
                                                               promote standardised management by community committees,
                                                               and assist customers in promoting renovation of community
            核心价值观打造物业服务中心、城市分公司、物业公司总                          buildings, public facilities and infrastructure.
            部三级客户服务体系。其中物业公司总部负责服务理念、                                                                                员
                                                               Case study:  Establishment of a three-level customer     工
                                                               service system in CSC Land
            物业服务中心执行服务标准。                                          In 2010, China Construction adhered to its core values of    Staff
                                                               “Sincerity, honesty and goodwill” to create a three-level customer
                                                               service system comprising a property service centre, a city branch
                                                               and a property headquarters. The responsibilities of the property
                                                               headquarters, the city branch and the property service centre are
                                                               to establish the service concept and standards, to organise service
                                                               training and inspections, and to implement service standards,     会
                                                               respectively.                                          Society

                                                                                                   2010可持续发展报告  51
                                                                                                   Sustainability Report 2010
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