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绿色物业 About Us
率;改造灌溉系统,推广使用地插式浇灌系统,采用多种景观布置方式,减少水系换 Sustainable Operation
Green properties
China Construction has incorporated the concept of “Environmental protection” into property
management. In multiple ways, we guide our clients to take the initiative in protecting the Technological Innovation
environments of small communities, joining hands to create green communities and improve the
living quality of residences. Environmental work such as separate waste collection, recycling of
waste batteries and collection of pet droppings are organised; community green construction is
promoted to raise the public greening rate; irrigation systems are modified and the use of fixed-
land irrigation systems are promoted to increase the water usage rate; multiple landscape layouts 质
are employed to reduce the frequency of water replacement, increasing the water usage rate; 量
promotional leaflets are distributed, to raise our clients’ awareness of energy-saving. Quality
Green Office 全 安
中国建筑提出“勤俭节约、低碳办公”理念,从用电、用水、办公用品、公务招 Safety
的良好氛围。 境
少碳排放724吨。推广电子文档发文,平均每年度发电子文档文件900份,节约纸张约 Environment
China Construction has put forward the concept of a “Hardworking, thrifty, energy-saving
and low-carbon workplace” that applies green concepts to electricity usage, water usage, office
accessories, business hospitality, phone usage and vehicle usage. By establishing management 工
rules and usage requirements for office facilities, we strictly control our daily expenses for items Staff
such as reception, vehicle repairers and gas refuelling, creating an atmosphere within the Company
that hails energy-saving and condemns wastage.
In 2010, the headquarters promoted the use of video conferencing and held a total of 28 video
conferences, reducing business travel to Beijing by 3,304 trips and lowering carbon emissions by
724 tonnes. By using electronic documents for announcements, we have saved about 100,000 sheets
of paper, through dispensing an average of 900 electronic documents per year. 社
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 67
Sustainability Report 2010