Page 72 - shehuizeren2010
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专家委员会委员53人 53 Member of Expert Committee
中国工程院院士和全国工程勘察设计大师10人 10 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
and China Engineering Survey & Design Masters
有突出贡献的中青年专家5人 5 Middle-Age & Young Specialists with outstanding
享受政府特殊津贴专家185人 185 Specialists who enjoy special governmental
英国皇家特许建造师119人 119 CIOB Members
具有高级专业技术职称人员10200人 10200 senior technical personnel
注册建造师及注册造价工程师8134人 8134 Registered Builders & Registered Cost Engineer
注册建筑师和注册结构工程师2249人 2249 Registered Architects and Registered Structural
Remuneration and Benefits
中国建筑根据政策法规,对所有与公司建立劳动关 According to policies and regulations, China Construction
fully pays all social security insurance for all on-duty employees
with whom the company has established labour relationships.
盖率100%。建立企业年金制度,制定年金管理的相关配 Social security coverage amongst staff is 100%. The company has
套制度,确定年金管理机构,保障企业员工退休后的养老 established a corporate annuity policy, and supports programmes
that oversee the annuity authority to safeguard the pensions and
保险水平。探索实施股权激励,建立短期激励与中长期激 insurance of Company employees. China Construction is studying
励相结合的激励约束机制。完善企业工资收入的正常增长 the establishment of an employee share scheme to provide short-
term incentives, and an incentive and restraint system that aligns
with medium- and long-term incentives. The Company will further
企业发展成果。公司员工人均工资年均增长率13%。 enhance the comprehensive wage growth mechanism that raises
wages of employees in proportion to profits, in turn sharing the
achievements of corporate development. The average growth in
酬分配等方面实现规范化、标准化管理,提高薪酬分配的 employee remuneration is 13% per year.
China Construction values the importance of performance
evaluations and establishes work performance appraisals,
配偶随任、职业发展、回国安置等相关规定和优惠政策。 remuneration allocations that achieve standardised management,
which in turn increases external competition and internal equality
of salary distribution. The company also sets polices regarding
the salaries, holidays, rights of spouses to accompany partners
overseas, career development and home-return for expatriates.
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited